Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Young And Rockin' Tiny Masters Of Today Ada - Vocals/Bass [13] Ivan - Guitar/Vocals [15] & Jackson - Drums [23] Are ManhattanBlair's July Artist Of The Month, Okay So I Was Really Excited To Do This Month's Artist Reason? 1. Knowing This Awesome Band 2. Loving This Awesome Band & 3. Sharing It With You Guys! So Tiny Masters All Started Off In 2006/2007 With First Single "Radio Riot" Which David Bowie Declared Genius!! And Since Then, They Have Rocked It! Working With Karen O For "Hologram World" & Kimya Dawson For "Trendsetter" To Me I Find Them Inspirational! They Have Gone So Far In Such Little Time And Yet These Rockstars Are Still In School! Haha, Congrats With All Your Sucess And Luck In The Future! Love You Guys - Blair

[ P.S. Current Theme Song Is "Pop Chart" Tiny Master's Last Single]

Monday, June 29, 2009

Glastonbury 2009

Ello Darlings, Okay So I'm Actually On A Plane Heading To Montreal For Tuesday & Well I Think I Might Have To Do A Lot Of Laundry At My Cousin's House Because My Clothes Are Filled With Mud & My Shoes Are Pretty Much Brown But Thank God I Wore Only My Wellies There! ... So Anyways, Glasto Was Awesome Saw/Met A Bunch Of People There Like Nick Grimshaw, Peaches Geldof, Fifi Brown, Pixie Geldof, Henry Holland, Remi Nicole, Bunny Kinney, Pete Doherty & Daisy Lowe But I Only Saw Daisy From A Distance :( & Of Course The Horrors!! Thank God I Pretty Much Hung Out With Them The Whole Time LOL, I Had Like The Best Camping Spot They Were Like Right Beside Me And Henry Holland's Was Only 2 Tents Away From Mine!! :D It Was Bloody Awesome Though Pete Was Amazing & So Were The Horrors & Lady Gaga Performed Something I Didn't Expect It But Through All The Mud She Still Looked Glamourous & The Weather Was As Bad Saturday Was Really Hot! But Still I Loved It! Anyways I'm Now Working On Some Polyvore Sets And My Next Blog Post
- XOXO, Blair

Friday, June 26, 2009



Okay It's Kinda Fun Camping Here Dispite The Mud But Hey That's What This Is All About! Anyways Yesterday I Was Bound To FIND THEM But No Luck So Today Now That There Gonna Be Performing I'm Sure I Will And I Told Them I Gotta See Them There Back In Brooklyn From There Last Concert I Went To, So I'm Sure I Will Today Anyways If I Do I WILL LET YOU KNOW! XOXO, BLAIR

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Runaway Let's RUNAWAY

Listening- Plastiscines, Runaway

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Georgia May JAGGER

Another Fab Editorial Love The Colours And Clothes In This One!
- Blair

Monday, June 22, 2009

To One Of My Favourite Fathers

[I Know I'm Late With The Whole Fathers Day Thing] But I've Been Listening To His Songs And It Inspired Me For A Post ... Love You Pete, Can't Wait To See You @ Glastonbury!

Numero TOKYO.

Woke Up SUPER Early & Now Making Some Posts + I Love This Editoral.

"White Themed" Calvin Klein + Solar Party

Thursday, June 18, 2009


[TWEET THEM, http://twitter.com/veronicasmusic] Love You Lisa + Jess!



The Best Issue EVA Love You Guys And Can't Wait To See You On Your First Show Back In London! Muaaah, Blair

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Listening - Passion Pit, Sleepyhead

[P.S. Can't Sleeep! + BACK IN LONDON]

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Delayed & Review In BROOKLYN.

Father ?

First Love ?

B + Ash - ley?

& Roommates ?

Review Of Brooklyn - Went To See Some Real Warhol Artwork Then, Watched Factory Girl With Ashley, Harry & Some Friends At The Loft, Later We Danced To Some Old Classics 60s & 70s.

Camera Use? Andy Warhol - Flickr
First Love - Taylor Warren Blog
B + Ash-ley -Sister's [Ashley] Canon
Roommates - Disposable Camera

Cassette Society RAFW 10

Align CenterImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Source: Knight Cat, TFS

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Misshapes Feat Bunny!

Lmfaooo. Love Yeah Bunny + The Video!

Oh The Ones I Love!

Ahh, Last Night In London ... Gonna Miss It But I Will Be Back From Williamsburg Saturday! :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Bunny + Dev & Doggies!

Dirty Pretty Things, Wondering

Yesterday Was Fun But Now I'm Tired, Hungover & Gotta Go To Work In 2 Hours Thank God It's Gonna Be For Half A Day Then Later Lunch With Harry! :) - Blair

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fast Times In London With Harry & Blair.

Listening - Tiny Masters Of Today, Radio Riot


1) Are your parents married or divorced? Divorced.

2) Are you a vegetarian? Umm, i eat meat but I'm not a heavy meat lover but i defiantly like my vegan cuisine & my hamburger!

3) Do you believe in Heaven? To be honest even though i am catholic I'm not sure about the whole if you're bad you go to hell and if your good you go to heaven.

4) Have you ever come close to dying? well I had a pretty bad anxiety
attack I passed out and everything ... If that counts.

5) What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
everything Elizabeth & James.

6) Favorite time of day? late at night.

7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yes, I love broccoli.

8) Do you wear makeup? ahah, hell yes!

9) Ever have plastic surgery?
nope :)

10) Do you color your hair? yes.

11) What do you wear to bed? everyday Is different either underwear and my cropped topshop tee or Harry's over sized plaid shirt and Esme's mini shorts.

12) Have you ever done anything illegal?

13) Can you roll your tongue?

14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
no, I get them threaded.

15) What kind of sneakers?
like nike 80's vintage or chucks

16) Do you believe in Abortions?
ummm, to be honest no but i do believe in more adoption, a child is a gift and many woman would love to have have but unfortunately sometimes there body just can't have a child so, i think if you don't want it don't kill it but atleast give it to someone who will care for it! don't kill an innocent child for you mistake!!

17) What is your hair color?
black at the moment.

18) Future child's name?
ahaha, well i'm the kinda person who likes weird names so lately i've been thinking of sienna and middle name london ... named after my aunt's middle name & for a boy i have no idea but the name will come up one day.

19) Do you snore? nope.

20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? uhmm, sadly i can't really anwser this question because i kinda already went everywhere i wanted to go but if i could choose to go again it would be Amiens/Paris [soon] & Australia.

21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no real ones my kitten and Harry.

22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
honestly half to my family & other half to me not being selfish but i'd be lying if i said i'd give it all to my favourite charity but if i was being generous my grade 8 teacher from elementry school some of my close friends who help me in the past & drop by some at a hospital.

23) Hamburger or hot dog? hamburger.

24) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? ... :S I dunno.

25) City, beach or country? CITY

26) What was the last thing you touched? my keyboard.

27) Where did you eat last?
my house.

28) When's the last time you cried?
of laughter from last night with Harry.

29) Do you read blogs?
depends but usually my followers on blogger.

30) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? well i have gone out once with half of Harry's clothes ... but otherwise no.




Saturday, June 6, 2009

"You Were Talking In Your Sleep"


Listening - Space Cowboy, Talking In Your Sleep

[Maybe Next Theme Song For Blog]

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Ahhh, That So Mad My Day I Love You Girls & Your Music + How Can I Forget STYLE! & Fellow Followers


Listening To - Plastiscines, Barcelona

Punk/Grunge Rebel CHIC.

This Is How We Do It! ... In London!! ... LOVE Alice + TOMORROW'S FRIDAY :D

Why This Collection SHOULD BE IN MY CLOSET.